Saturday, October 18, 2008

Autumn Walk

This path is part of my walk through the woods in back of our house. It is now called "Barlow Park, named for the man who donated this property to the local land trust. He wanted to develop it for what he called a "complex" (what the heck is that?), but needed a right of way to it , but no one bordering it would sell him. He eventually gave up and donated most of this section to the trust. I call this path "Tobacco Road" because some of this used to be open fields used to grow tobacco and this was a road to the street. I have named other parts of my walk. There are "Fern Gully", (which of course is a low area with ferns, where deer often are) and "Skunk Alley East" and "Skunk Alley West" where you could see skunks in the early morning heading back to their dens at the edge of the field.
I think Barlow has retained part of his property with the idea of development. A good selling point, I suppose, is the so-called park. Anyway, when I see this photo, I can hear rustling leaves under my feet.
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